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Fritz 7270 which version?

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Fritz 7270 which version? Empty Fritz 7270 which version?

Messaggio Da binary_dreamer Mer Ott 13, 2010 5:25 am

i got from ebay a fritz 7270 (1&1) and i do not know which version is it.
if it is v3 then i can upload the image from masinge, i did it in the past in an another fritz.
if it is v1 or v2 the i have to find a way to make international (pstn).

sorry if this is mentioned before, but i am lost in translation.

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Numero di messaggi : 19
Data d'iscrizione : 11.05.10

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Fritz 7270 which version? Empty Re: Fritz 7270 which version?

Messaggio Da Annex Mer Ott 13, 2010 6:17 am

To find the version of your fritz!box:

1) Enable telnet by phone with #96*7*
2) To dos (windows) or terminal (linux), type telnet
3) Enter the password of your fritz!box (if set)
4) On telnet prompt type env
5) Search within the results for the string "HWRevision=1xx"


"HWRevision=122" = V1 8 Mb (Firmware 54.xx.xx)
"HWRevision=139" = V2 16 Mb (Firmware 54.xx.xx)
"HWRevision=145" = V3 16 MB (Firmware 74.xx.xx)

Ultima modifica di Annex il Ven Ott 15, 2010 8:31 am - modificato 1 volta.

Qual è il miglior modo per fare una cosa senza correre rischi? Non farla!

Fritz!Box 7390_84.06.03_Multi_lingue_IT_EN_ES_FR_DE
Fritz!Box 7240_73.05.53_Multi_lingue_IT_EN_ES_FR_DE-Trunk
Fritz!Box 7170-V1_7170_58.04.87-ITA-by-Annex-massinge-b_1.05
Fritz!Box 7170SL-7170_29.04.87-ITA-by-Annex-massinge-b_1.05

Maschio Numero di messaggi : 1631
Età : 54
Località : Perugia
Data d'iscrizione : 15.02.09

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Fritz 7270 which version? Empty Re: Fritz 7270 which version?

Messaggio Da binary_dreamer Ven Ott 15, 2010 7:01 am


so it is v1.
How do i change it to international edition?

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Numero di messaggi : 19
Data d'iscrizione : 11.05.10

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Fritz 7270 which version? Empty Re: Fritz 7270 which version?

Messaggio Da Massinge Ven Ott 15, 2010 7:25 am

For V1 there'isn't official international version , but in my repository you can find one custom international multilanguage firmware.

You can find it at this link (thanks to lucof):

Please set one fritzbox web interface password before launch the firmware-update (via web interface).

I miei fritz attualmente al lavoro:
Fritz box fon WLAN 7360v1 - fw. 111.06.30 by AVM
..e quelli a riposo:
Fritz box fon wlan 7170 SL v1 29.04.87-ITA-by-Annex-massinge_b_1.02

Maschio Numero di messaggi : 6596
Età : 48
Località : Sassari
Data d'iscrizione : 24.05.08

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Fritz 7270 which version? Empty Re: Fritz 7270 which version?

Messaggio Da binary_dreamer Sab Ott 16, 2010 5:44 am

i did setup a passwd for the 7270 and then i uploaded the file.
It does not give me the option to switch between annex a and b.
my line is annex a and it does not get sync.
i moved it to an annex b line and it syncs OK!
any ideas?

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Numero di messaggi : 19
Data d'iscrizione : 11.05.10

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Fritz 7270 which version? Empty Re: Fritz 7270 which version?

Messaggio Da Massinge Sab Ott 16, 2010 9:13 pm

into advanced settin-->internet-->info dsl, you must have one annex interface.
Please check this.


I miei fritz attualmente al lavoro:
Fritz box fon WLAN 7360v1 - fw. 111.06.30 by AVM
..e quelli a riposo:
Fritz box fon wlan 7170 SL v1 29.04.87-ITA-by-Annex-massinge_b_1.02

Maschio Numero di messaggi : 6596
Età : 48
Località : Sassari
Data d'iscrizione : 24.05.08

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Fritz 7270 which version? Empty Re: Fritz 7270 which version?

Messaggio Da binary_dreamer Dom Ott 17, 2010 5:45 pm

@Massinge Hi. Thanks a lot for your answer. I am afraid that i cannot find anything in the dsl info about annex! I could post a screen shot if you would like.

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Numero di messaggi : 19
Data d'iscrizione : 11.05.10

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Fritz 7270 which version? Empty Re: Fritz 7270 which version?

Messaggio Da binary_dreamer Lun Ott 18, 2010 1:18 am

the screenshot

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Numero di messaggi : 19
Data d'iscrizione : 11.05.10

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Fritz 7270 which version? Empty Re: Fritz 7270 which version?

Messaggio Da binary_dreamer Mer Ott 20, 2010 6:21 pm

Hi. Is there any way to have the fritz working in annex a in anny language?

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Numero di messaggi : 19
Data d'iscrizione : 11.05.10

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Fritz 7270 which version? Empty Re: Fritz 7270 which version?

Messaggio Da Massinge Mer Ott 20, 2010 9:09 pm

Please Don't replay yourself!

Reset your fritz and follow the wizard, you can set the annex by this way.


I miei fritz attualmente al lavoro:
Fritz box fon WLAN 7360v1 - fw. 111.06.30 by AVM
..e quelli a riposo:
Fritz box fon wlan 7170 SL v1 29.04.87-ITA-by-Annex-massinge_b_1.02

Maschio Numero di messaggi : 6596
Età : 48
Località : Sassari
Data d'iscrizione : 24.05.08

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Fritz 7270 which version? Empty Re: Fritz 7270 which version?

Messaggio Da binary_dreamer Mer Ott 20, 2010 9:37 pm

Massinge, i tried to reset the fritz at least 5 times.
when it starts i have to choose between country italy and portugal, nothing else.
i have tried to choose different each time, but no luck.
i have tried it several times but there is nowhere to choose annex!
this is why i insist.
i could send you printscreens of each step!

There is another thing that i would like to try, i would like to recover it and then start over again. Will it be ok if i use this

sorry i meant

Message from the Forum Admin:
You must use the EDIT key when you want to replay yourself.
You have the second warnig. At the third you are banned for tree days

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Numero di messaggi : 19
Data d'iscrizione : 11.05.10

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Fritz 7270 which version? Empty Re: Fritz 7270 which version?

Messaggio Da Massinge Gio Ott 21, 2010 3:02 am

I'm not the firmware author, I don't take one help in this case.
You must contact the firmware author by follow this forum:


I miei fritz attualmente al lavoro:
Fritz box fon WLAN 7360v1 - fw. 111.06.30 by AVM
..e quelli a riposo:
Fritz box fon wlan 7170 SL v1 29.04.87-ITA-by-Annex-massinge_b_1.02

Maschio Numero di messaggi : 6596
Età : 48
Località : Sassari
Data d'iscrizione : 24.05.08

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Fritz 7270 which version? Empty Re: Fritz 7270 which version?

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